Original work

by shenny visuals


A compilation of everything I've directed, shot, or edited in 2023.

Ideas need air - a collaboration with air inc.

A short visual story about how ideas need air, and creatives need space. In collaboration with Air Inc. on their manifesto release.

Shot & Edited by me

elements of chicago (Horizontal version)

Elements of Chicago currently has over 7 million views on Instagram & 2 million views on TikTok.

Shot & Edited by me

check out elements of chicago part 2 as well!

2023 creative reel

A compilation of everything I've directed, shot, or edited in 2023.

here are two creative stories I co-directed with @gkohfilms.

Shot, Edited, Colored by me

2022 Cinematic Reel

Shot & Edited entirely by me

my life in chicago

Short cinematic compilation of my life in Chicago